
 Wei Du was born in Beijing, China in 1958. He began learning Chinese calligraphy and painting since childhood, which subsequently became a life-long project. Later, his study and practice in medicine have been alternating or intermingling with art practice for a half century. He completed training in surgery in China and radiology in the United States, as well as conducting vascular surgery scientific research in both countries.  He has been practicing interventional radiology in greater Boston area in the last 20 years.  His experience in both medical and fine arts highly value hands-on skills, problem-solving thinking, and continuously improving temptations, which mutually strengthen a creative life.


In the early years, he learned Chinese calligraphy by copying different inscriptions that evolved through Chinese history with goals of approaching the level of master works. Since arriving at the United States in 1989, he has had inspirations from the arts all over the world. He started to absorb different nutrition to his Chinese calligraphy works, with gradual evolution toward using Chinese calligraphy as a carrier to explore the representational power of abstractive or semi-abstractive forms.  The hypotheses of his art design is discussed in the section of “Vision”.


杜玮于1958年生于北京,从少年开始练习书法和国画,以后虽然以医生为职业, 但对艺术的钻研延续至今。

他于1977年录取入南京医学院,以后在北京完成了外科住院医师和血管外科研究生的训练。1989年到美国从事医学研究, 继之完成图像诊断和介入科临床训练,现在大波士顿地区行医。

1989年到美国后, 接触了西方和世界各地的艺术,参观美术馆,徒步名山大川,  吸取不同艺术特点,开始探索丰富书法表现力的艺术形式。

在书画学习和临床工作中,手技的训练都占有重要的地位。在中美两国的科学研究经历有助于培养分析, 质疑和解决问题的意识。这个网站收录了部分书画方面的实验结果,欢迎建议和批评。实验思路请见下一部分“Vision”。



杜瑋於1958年生於北京,   從少年開始練習書法和國畫,  以後雖然以醫生為職業,   但對藝術的鑽研延續至今。

 他於1977年錄取入南京醫學院,  以後在北京完成了外科住院醫師和血管外科研究生的訓練。1989年到美國從事醫學研究,   繼之完成圖像診斷和介入科臨床訓練,   現在大波士頓地區行醫。

 1989年到美國後,   接觸了西方和世界各地的藝術,   參觀美術館,   徒步名山大川,   吸取不同藝術特點,   開始探索豐富書法表現力的藝術形式。

 在書畫學習和臨床工作中,  手技的訓練都佔有重要的地位。 在中美兩國的科學研究經歷有助於培養分析,  質疑和解決問題的意識。  這个網站收錄了部分書畫方面的實驗結果,  歡迎建議和批評。實驗思路請見下一部分“Vision ”。